CE EN approval as per BSI CE No. 0086.
Approved for used with half masks as per EN140:1998.
Breathing Resistance: @ 30 l/min, maximum 1.2 mbar
@ 95.5l/min, maximum 4.2 mbar
Filter Penetration Maximum: Sodium Chloride @95l/min is 0.05%
Paraffin oil @ 95l/min is 0.05%
Dromex® DHCT-P3PF SINGLE UNIFIT lightweight reusable gas cartridges is used in conjunction with Dromex® single unifit cartridge respirators (DH101), filters out medium concentrations of inorganic gases and vapours, present in the atmosphere.
Dromex® DHCT-P3PF cartridges can be used with Dromex® Pre-filters providing protection against particulates and prolongs the life of the corresponding gas filter by adding additional protection against oil when working in greasy environments.
Style: Single cartridge, re-useable P3 pre-filter in a retainer
Breathing Resistance: @ 30 l/min, maximum 1.2 mbar@ 95.5l/min, maximum 4.2 mbar Filter Penetration Maximum: Sodium Chloride @95l/min is 0.05%Paraffin oil @ 95l/min is 0.05%
Filter efficiency : 99%
• NRCS Homologated as per SANS 10338:2009 as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993), and the Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996).
• SANS 50143:2003, Respiratory protective devices – Particle filters – Requirements, testing, marking, NRCS Type Approval No.: AZ 2011/49.
• Approved for used with half masks as per EN140:1998.
• CE EN approval as per BSI CE No. 0086
The exterior of the filter can be cleaned with the use of a dry cloth.Solvents must not be used and care should be taken to ensure no water enters the filter.